
42 lines
1.2 KiB

-- Debug console: CTRL-SHIFT-L
-- Command palette: CTRL-SHIFT-P
-- Pull in wezterm API
local wezterm = require 'wezterm'
return {
-- # Initial window resolution is tiny. Doubled it.
initial_cols = 160,
initial_rows = 48,
animation_fps = 25,
-- Note: Revert this back to version 9 of Unicode if apps breaks.
unicode_version = 14,
default_cursor_style = 'BlinkingBar',
-- color_scheme = "Duotone Dark",
color_scheme = "Dracula+",
-- color_scheme = "C64",
-- color_scheme = "BlueBerryPie",
font_size = 16.0,
-- No desktop notifications of missing glyphs.
warn_about_missing_glyphs = false,
-- Only look for fonts in config dirs.
font_locator = "ConfigDirsOnly",
font_dirs = {
os.getenv("HOME") .. "/.fonts",
-- freetype_load_target = "Light",
-- Note: You'll need to load a non-Nerd font as fallback, otherwise certain symbols break.
font = wezterm.font_with_fallback{
'Monofur Nerd Font Mono',
{ family = 'Android Emoji', assume_emoji_presentation = true },
{ family = 'Noto Emoji', assume_emoji_presentation = true },
-- 'Symbols Nerd Font Mono',
-- 'Noto Sans Mono'
'DejaVu Sans Mono'